Project Euler

I started doing Project Euler problems in 2015. Since then, I have solved 100+ problems on and off, and have written up solutions to all of them.
Project Euler is a list of hundreds of mathematical problems that require mathematical knowhow as well as programming skills to come to a solution. Each problem generally has some mathematical concept hiding behind it. While there is no limit to the amount of time a program can take when solving a problem, the site recommends a limit of one minute.
Here, I provide solutions to all the problems I have solved so far, focusing on the mathematics as much as possible.
On problems where prime numbers are used in the solution, I liberally use the primesieve
package, which provides handy prime generation capabilities. This may seem as cheating, but I believe that in most cases the actual generation of primes is not the important concept needed to solve the problem.
Project Euler also lists corresponding difficulty of each problem, ranging from 5% to 100%, in increments of 5. Below you can see all the posts that are demarcated by difficulty. For a full list of all problems, please use the link above this post’s image.