#140 - Modified Fibonacci golden nuggets

Consider the infinite polynomial series $A_G(x) = xG_1+x^2G_2+x^3G_3+\cdots$, where $G_k$ is the $k$th term of the second order recurrence relation $G_k=G_{k-1}+G_{k-2}$, $G_1=1$ and $G_2=4$; that is, $1,4,5,9,14,23, \dots$.

For this problem we shall be concerned with values of $x$ for which $A_G(x)$ is a positive integer.

The corresponding values of $x$ for the first five natural numbers are shown below.


We shall call $A_G(x)$ a golden nugget if $x$ is rational, because they become increasingly rarer; for example, the 20th golden nugget is 211345365.

Find the sum of the first thirty golden nuggets.

This problem is very similar to #137 - Fibonacci golden nuggets where we dealt with Fibonacci numbers. These are Fibonacci-like, but not quite the same sequence. However, it’s natural to assume a similar pattern will follow, and so we will do the same steps. First, we’ll rewrite the sequence definition as a closed form formula: \[\begin{aligned} A_G(x) &= \sum_{n=1}^\infty G_n x^n \\ &= G_1x + G_2x^2 + \sum_{n=3}^\infty G_n x^n \\ &= x + 4x^2 + \sum_{n=3}^\infty \left(G_{n-1} + G_{n-2}\right)x^n \\ &= x + 4x^2 + x\sum_{n=3}^\infty G_{n-1}x^{n-1} + x^2\sum_{n=3}^\infty G_{n-2}x^{n-2} \\ &= x + 4x^2 + x\sum_{n=2}^\infty G_n x^n + x^2\sum_{n=1}^\infty G_n x^n \\ &= x + 4x^2 + x\left(A_G(x) - x\right) + x^2A_G(x) \\ &= x + 3x^2 + xA_G(x) + x^2A_G(x) \\ A_G(x) &= \frac{x+3x^2}{1-x-x^2} \end{aligned}\]

Let $A_G(x) = C$ and use the quadratic formula to solve for $x$: \[\begin{aligned} C &= \frac{x+3x^2}{1-x-x^2} \\ x^2(C+3)+x(C+1)-C &= 0 \\ x &= \frac{-(C+1)\pm \sqrt{(C+1)^2-4(C+3)(-C)}}{2(C+3)} \\ &= \frac{-(C+1)\pm\sqrt{(C+1)^2+4C^2+12C}}{2(C+3)} \\ &= \frac{-(C+1)\pm\sqrt{5C^2+14C+1}}{2(C+3)} \end{aligned}\]

The discriminant needs to be a perfect square to yield an integer. Let’s first find a few values of $C$ that results in a perfect square and see if we recognize a pattern. | $C$ | Root of Discriminant | $x$ | | —– | ——————– | —————– | | 2 | 7 | $\frac{2}{5}$ | | 5 | 14 | $\frac{1}{2}$ | | 21 | 50 | $\frac{7}{12}$ | | 42 | 97 | $\frac{3}{5}$ | | 152 | 343 | $\frac{19}{31}$ | | 296 | 665 | $\frac{8}{13}$ | | 1050 | 2351 | $\frac{50}{81}$ | | 2037 | 4558 | $\frac{21}{34}$ | We see the Fibonacci fractions, but also other fractions. These non-Fibonacci fractions also follow their own Fibonacci rule (2, 5, 7, 12, …). These fractions come from adding the Fibonacci to the $G_n$ sequence: \[\{1,1,2,3,5,8,\dots\}\,+\,\{1,4,5,9,14,23,\dots\} = \{2,5,7,12,19,31,\dots\}\]

With this fact, we can conclude that the $x$-value associated with the $n$th golden nugget is \[x_n=\begin{cases} \frac{F_n+G_n}{F_{n+1}+G_{n+1}} \qquad &n\text{ is odd} \\ \frac{F_n}{F_{n+1}} \qquad &n\text{ is even} \end{cases}\]

Let $H_n = F_n + G_n$. We can plug these into the function and get formulas for the $n$th golden nugget $C_n$: \[C_n=\begin{cases} \frac{H_nH_{n+1}+3H_n^2}{11} \qquad &n\text{ is odd} \\ F_nF_{n+1}+3F_n^2 \qquad &n\text{ is even} \end{cases}\]

Like with the regular Fibonacci numbers, $H_n$ also has it’s own “Cassini’s Identity”. In this case, $H_{n+1}H_{n-1}-H_n^2=11(-1)^{n+1}$. We can prove this by induction, just like the normal Cassini’s Identity.

Now that we have a direct formula, it is simple to code a loop to calculate the sum of the first 30 golden nuggets.

# file: "problem140.py"
H = [3, 2, 5]
F = [0, 1, 1]
for _ in range(3, 32):
    H.append(H[-2] + H[-1])
    F.append(F[-2] + F[-1])

# Now compute the sum of the first 30 thirty nuggets
goldenNuggetSum = 0
for n in range(1, 31):
    if n % 2 == 1:
        goldenNuggetSum += (H[n] * H[n + 1] + 3 * H[n] ** 2) // 11
        goldenNuggetSum += F[n] * F[n + 1] + 3 * F[n] ** 2

print(f'The sum of the first 30 golden nuggets is {goldenNuggetSum}.')

Running this short code, we get

The sum of the first 30 golden nuggets is 5673835352990.
5.6199999999950734e-05 seconds.

Therefore, our golden nugget sum is 5673835352990.