#62 - Cubic permutations

The cube, $41063625 \left(345^3\right)$, can be permuted to produce two other cubes: $56623104 \left(384^3\right)$ and $66430125 \left(405^3\right)$. In fact, 41063625 is the smallest cube which has exactly three permutations of its digits which are also cube.

Find the smallest cube for which exactly five permutations of its digits are cube.

Notice they didn’t give us any digit bounds. We keep increasing the number of digits, until we get a set of 5 permutations. For each number of digits $k$, we generate all cubes that have $k$ digits. Next, we sort each cube on its digits. One cube is a permutation of another if its sorted set of digits is exactly the same. Therefore, the thing we are looking for is the same sorted digit string appearing 5 times.

Doing sorted(str()) will convert to a sorted string, and we can vectorize it so that it applies to every element in an array. The np.unique function can allow us to get the counts of each permutation.

# file: "problem062.py"
nDigs = 2
foundCube = False
# The following function sorts the digits
# of a number
sortDigits = lambda x: "".join(sorted(str(x)))
# Vectorize so it can be applied to each
# element in one go.
vectSortDigs = np.vectorize(sortDigits)
while not foundCube:
    # Find the upper and lower bound cube for these digits.
    lower = int(10 ** ((nDigs - 1) / 3)) + 1
    upper = int(10 ** (nDigs / 3))
    # Form an array of numbers cubed
    nums = np.arange(lower, upper + 1, dtype=np.uint64) ** 3
    # Get the sorted list of digits for each number...
    perms = vectSortDigs(nums)
    # Get all unique permutations and their counts
    uniques, counts = np.unique(perms, return_counts=True)
    # We check here whether or not we got 5 perms
    # Grab the index of the 5 perm, if it's not there
    # it will throw an IndexError
        fivePerm = uniques[np.where(counts == 5)[0][0]]  # Will throw IndexError if it doesn't exist
        origNums = nums[np.where(perms == fivePerm)[0]]
        print('The five cubes are: ', origNums)
        print('The cube roots are: ', origNums ** (1/3))
        foundCube = True
    except IndexError:
        pass  # Skip, we didn't find a 5 set with this many digits...
    nDigs += 1

Running the loop gets us an output of,

The five cubes are:  [127035954683 352045367981 373559126408 569310543872 589323567104]
The cube roots are:  [5027. 7061. 7202. 8288. 8384.]
12 digits
0.030961370484396847 seconds.

Therefore, $5027^3, 7061^3, 7202^3, 8288^3$ and $8384^3$ are all permutations of each other, with the smallest being 127035954683.