#63 - Powerful digit counts

The 5-digit number, $16807=7^5$, is also a fifth power. Similarly, the 9-digit number, $134\,217\,728=8^9$, is a ninth power.

How many $n$-digit positive integers exist which are also an $n$th power?

First, we need to find some bounds for the solution to this problem. An $n$th power $a^n$ can only be an $n$-digit number if

\(10^{n-1}<a^n<10^n\) We immediately see that $a<10$. For $n$, we can solve for it using the left half of the inequality: \[\begin{aligned} 10^{n-1} &< a^n \\ \log_{10}\left(10^{n-1}\right) &< \log_{10}\left(a^n\right) \\ n-1 &< n\log_{10}a \\ n-n\log_{10}a &< 1 \\ n &< \frac{1}{1-\log_{10}a} \end{aligned}\]

The last expression is our upper bound for a given $a$. To check the length, the easiset way is to convert the number to a string.

# file: "problem063.py"
count = 0
for a in range(2, 10):
    n = 1
    # Bound for the power
    while n <= 1/(1 - math.log10(a)):
        if len(str(a ** n)) == n:
            count += 1
        n += 1

print(count + 1) # for 1 ^ 1 = 1

Running this short gets an answer immediately,

7.499998901039362e-05 seconds.

Thus, there are 49 $n$-digit integers that are also $n$th powers.