#52 - Permuted multiples

It can be seen that the number, 125874, and its double 251748, contain exactly the same digits, but in a different order.

Find the smallest positive integer, $x$, such that $2x,3x,4x,5x$ and $6x$, contain the same digits.

There are two optimizations we can make for the brute force method. Because we are checking 6 multiples, $x$ should have at least 6 digits. If $x$ has $k$ digits, we only have to check up until $\lfloor 10^{k}/6 \rfloor$, because anything bigger than this will lead to $6x$ having $k+1$ digits, ruling it out of contention.

To check if all the multiples have the same digits, I convert each number to a string, sort each string, and finally call set() on the list. If the set has exactly 1 element, then each sorted string is the same, meaning each number had the same digits. We start at $x=10^5 = 100000$ and keep counting up. If we reach the limit for 6 digits, then we immediately move on to 7 digits.

# file: "problem052.py"
x = 100000
while True:
    if x > 10 ** len(str(x)) / 6:
        x = 10 ** len(str(x))
    # Test x through 6x...
    multiples = [''.join(sorted(str(x * i))) for i in range(1, 7)]
    # If it has one element after set()...
    # then they all have the same digits in different
    # orders.
    if len(set(multiples)) == 1:
    x += 1

Running the loop gets us,

0.45314348766162477 seconds.

Therefore, 142857 has all 6 multiples containing the same digits.