#28 - Number spiral diagonals

Starting with the number 1 and moving to the right in a clockwise direction a 5 by 5 spiral is formed as follows:

21 22 23 24 25
20  7  8  9 10
19  6  1  2 11
18  5  4  3 12
17 16 15 14 13

It can be verified that the sum of the numbers on the diagonals is 101.

What is the sum of the numbers on the diagonals in a 1001 by 1001 spiral formed in the same way?

Let’s add another step and make it a 7 by 7 spiral:

43 44 45 46 47 48 49
42 21 22 23 24 25 26
41 20  7  8  9 10 27
40 19  6  1  2 11 28
39 18  5  4  3 12 29
38 17 16 15 14 13 30
37 36 35 34 33 32 31

Note that the diagonal heading northeast has $1,9,25,49,\dots$. These are the squares of the odd numbers i.e. $1^2,3^2,5^2,7^2,\dots$. We can get the other 3 numbers at the other corners by subtracting the side length minus one once, twice, and three times. For example, $25$ is at the corner of the 5 by 5 circle. If we subtract $5-1=4$ from $25$, we get $21$, the number on the northwest diagonal. Subtracting two times and three times gets us $17$ and $13$ respectively.

So our method is loop through each odd number until 1001, and add that number squared, as well as the other 3 numbers described in the preceding paragraph. We will start from 3, as to not triple count the 1 in the center.

# file: "problem028.py"
spiralLim = 1001
s = 0
for n in range(3, spiralLim + 1, 2):
    s += n ** 2
    # Add the other three numbers:
    s += n ** 2 - (n - 1)
    s += n ** 2 - 2 * (n - 1)
    s += n ** 2 - 3 * (n - 1)
# Add 1 from center
s += 1


Running the above code results in,

0.00024259998463094234 seconds.

Therefore, 669171001 is our final sum.


This is one of the few problems that can be done by hand, although it’s a little messy. Let the spiral loop we are on by denoted $n$. Recall that for each loop in the spiral, we add $n^2$, and the three numbers that have been subtracted by $n-1$ once, twice, and three times. Therefore, in each loop, the sum is \[\begin{align*} S_n &= n^2+n^2-(n-1)+n^2-2(n-1)+n^2-3(n-1) \\ &= 4n^2-6(n-1) \\ &= 4n^2-6n+6 \end{align*}\]

So, in actuality, instead of the 4 lines we had in the for loop, we could have had one line where add s by this sum. However, there are more steps we could do.

An odd number $n$ can be written in the form $2k+1$. In our problem, $1\leq k\leq 500$. Thus, we can write a summation and evaluate it as follows: \[\begin{aligned} S &= \sum_{k=1}^{500}S_{2k+1} +1 \\ &= \sum_{k=1}^{500}\left( 4(2k+1)^2 - 6(2k+1) + 6 \right) +1 \\ &= \sum_{k=1}^{500}\left( 4\left( 4k^2+4k+1 \right) - 12k - 6 + 6 \right) +1 \\ &= \sum_{k=1}^{500}\left( 16k^2+16k+4-12k \right) +1 \\ &= \sum_{k=1}^{500}\left( 16k^2+4k+4 \right) +1 \\ &= 16\sum_{k=1}^{500}k^2+4\sum_{k=1}^{500}k+\sum_{k=1}^{500}4 +1 \\ &= 16\left( \frac{500(500+1)(2(500)+1)}{6} \right)+4\left( \frac{500(500+1)}{2} \right) + 4(500) +1 \\ &= 16(41\,791\,750)+4(125\,250) + 2000 +1 \\ &= \boxed{669\,171\,001} \end{aligned}\]